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EVE Software

Software for the EVE platform

CategorySub CategoryFile NameRevisionSizeDescriptionNotesFeaturesChange Log
CategorySub CategoryFile NameRevisionSizeDescriptionNotesFeaturesChange Log
SoftwareEVE Software EVE.Screen.Editor.v4.6.0_RC1.zip 4.6.0 RC141.99MiB

EVE Screen Editor (ESE) 4.6.0 RC1

The EVE screen editor is a Windows based tool, designed to allow EVE customers to experiment with creating display lists, utilizing a simple “drag and drop” method to control the EVE graphics controller.

Version 4.6.0
Feature updates:
Х   Improve inspector.
Х   Improve the registers window.
Х   Improvement on RAM_CMD window.
Х   Add an inspector window for RAM_CMD.
Х   Add one more section for exporting projects.
Х   Add one more example project "Circle Line".
Х   Add the support of IDM2040-7A board in export menu.
Х   Apply the anti-aliasing effect to the inner circle in the "stencil fanshape" example project.
Х   Add NOP into register MACRO 0 and 1.
Х   Add one more chapter Work with EAB in the user guide of ESE.
Х   Add button in toolbar to toggle on/off alignment behaviour.
Х   Enhance 3rd party lib usage.
Х   Change font size of Coprocessor and Display List editor.
Х   Keep one instance of inspector window when it is poped up.
Х   Add VM880C module (480x272) submenu in the export menu.
Х   Support screen rotation by configuring the REG_ROTATE without touch coordination system rotation.

Resolved issues:
Х   The Properties window should not pop up when changing steps in the Controls window
Х   A widget cannot be deleted if its command is the last one in the Coprocessor window.
Х   Unexpected behavior when user drops a new Content item with the Examples.
Х   Toolbox does not resume from display list mode to coprocessor mode.
Х   The source file should be relative file path.
Х   The app crashes when the line limit for the Coprocessor/Display List editor is exceeded.
Х   The error popup does not close when we already have a content item.
Х   Unable to build the export project successfully with FT81X devices.

Х   When the REG_ROTATE is changed, the emulator does not allow for item selection on the newly rotated screen. Instead, users must select items from the previous position.

SoftwareEVE Software EVE-Asset-Builder-setup-2.9_rc1.zip 2.9.0 RC1104.21MiB

EVE Asset Builder (EAB) 2.9.0

The EVE Asset Builder is a GUI based tool designed to simplify generation of all assets used by EVE ICs to realise feature rich HMI’s. This includes conversion of image files, audio files and font files as per the previous generation command line tools.

Features updates
- [Session]
   + Change default folder to /work_space/sesion
   + The active session is now enabled by default.
   + Users are asked for saving when they stop a session.
- [Disassembler]
   + Add hint for Detail Output
   + Improvements have been made to the output text format
   + C-style comment is supported
- [Font Converter]
   + Add an option to reserve \x20 for space character in ordinal mode
   + The layout has been simplified.
   + Revise the fnt_cvt tool manual
- [PNG/JPEG Validator]
   + Provide a user friendly conclusion
   + Utilize QGraphicView to show preview image
- [UI]
   + Make the ASTC Preset consistent
   + The command line is now shown by default
   + The Input File section can now be adjusted.
- [BIN2C] Add the inclusion of "stdint.h" in the generated C file
- [Animation Converter] Add a JSON file to replace the readme file.
- [EAB] Support BT88X
- A new tool to optimize display list commands has been added.
- The JSON file for all utilities has been improved.

Resolved issues
- Fixed an issue in the Video Converter where a progress dialogue was displayed again after converting was done.

SoftwareEVE Software EVE-Asset-Builder-setup-2.8_rc1.zip 2.8.0 RC1104.7MiB

EVE Asset Builder (EAB) 2.8.0 RC1

The EVE Asset Builder is a GUI based tool designed to simplify generation of all assets used by EVE ICs to realise feature rich HMI’s. This includes conversion of image files, audio files and font files as per the previous generation command line tools.

SoftwareEVE Software EVE.Screen.Editor.v4.5.0_RC1.zip 4.5.0 RC142.01MiB

EVE Screen Editor (ESE) 4.5.0 RC1

The EVE screen editor is a Windows based tool, designed to allow EVE customers to experiment with creating display lists, utilizing a simple “drag and drop” method to control the EVE graphics controller.

SoftwareEVE Software EVE-Asset-Builder-setup-2.7.0_rc1.zip 2.7.0RC199.19MiB

EVE Asset Builder (EAB) 2.7.0

The EVE Asset Builder is a GUI based tool designed to simplify generation of all assets used by EVE ICs to realise feature rich HMI’s. This includes conversion of image files, audio files and font files as per the previous generation command line tools.

SoftwareEVE Software EVE-Screen-Editor-v4.4.0_rc1.exe.zip 4.4.0 RC141.57MiB

EVE Screen Editor (ESE) 4.4.0 RC1

The EVE screen editor is a Windows based tool, designed to allow EVE customers to experiment with creating display lists, utilizing a simple “drag and drop” method to control the EVE graphics controller.